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The goodies below are ONLY available to the valued members of the Dark Heart Devils team.

Signed Paperbacks
Who doesn't LOVE signed paperbacks? Autumn has discounted her books to a special rate for her beloved Dark Heart Devils! The full backlist is included on the form.

A personalised birthday card from
Autumn Archer
Autumn would love to mark your birthday with a signed card sent from N. Ireland. Fill out the form below and she'll send you a card during your birthday month.

Catch up with Autumn's ebooks
This is your exclusive opportunity to read Autumn's backlist if you missed the eARC's sign up.
To read + review her ebooks, fill out the form and you'll get them for free!

A mystery swag bundle from
Autumn Archer
For $5 you'll receive a mixed pack of swag items from Autumn Archer.
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